Title: Centox Artist: Centox Date: 2011 Genre: Nu Metal Quality: Mp3 /320 kbps / 44.1KHz Tracks: 10 Size: 104.81 MB
SteveHartbegan writinglyricsin a studio inSanPedro, California, and thenfounded the bandCentox.Sincethe first concert, the band performedin August 2006, earningpopularityeven then, helped byperformancesfrombands such asSaosin, Strung Out, Daughters Of Mara.Work on thisalbumbegan inthose days.Change ofcomposition anddifferencesin teampostponedits releaseindefinitely.And,finally,self-titledalbumwas released."This album is-withoutdoubt the mosttime-consumingandlongexperience we haveever received, we have investedinafewyears of blood, sweat,tears, a changeofthe show, the loss" -the team says.
01. Take Cover 02. Above Them All 03. Coraline 04. Coward 05. Whatever Ever After 06. Remember Me 07. The R.I.P. 08. Bitter Pill 09. Jaded 10. Point of No Return