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    Main» Files» Softwares» Software

    iDemo v.1.3.0  
    04.03.2012, 00:49

    iDemo is a tool that simplifies real-time demonstrations of iPhone apps and games. iDemo connects to your iPhone over WiFi and mirrors your iPhone screen on your desktop, in real-time - kinda like Steve Jobs during his keynote presentations.

    System Requirements:
    - Windows XP Service Pack 3 or higher (including Windows Vista & Windows 7)

    and a jailbroken iPhone running one of the following applications:
    - ScreenSplitr
    - Display Recorder.

    Known issues:
    We're working hard trying to resolve some last minute issues including:
    - On Windows Vista or 7, your user needs to be an Administrator for iDemo to install properly. If you're not, simply right click on the installer and select "Run As Administrator".
    - On Windows XP, the spinning widget can cause some performance hits. For this reason, you can disable it by opening the contextual menu using the mouse right-click on the iPhone and uncheck "Extra Visual Effects".

    Activation: there
    Language: English
    Platform / OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
    Size: 3.77 Mb

    Category: Software | Added by: burtonfly | Tags: Steve Jobs, iDemo v.1.3.0
    Views: 2946 | Downloads: 873 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 5.0/1
    Total comments: 1
    1 Sumiyanti  
    0 Spam
    It's good to get a fresh way of looknig at it.

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