Simple and intuitive program to account for family income and expenditure. Distinctive features of Personal Finances is a beautiful and thought-out interface, ease of use and clarity of results. The program is based the idea of sharing costs and revenues into categories.
allows you, without having to learn the reports to see all the cash
flow - from the overall picture to the smallest detail. Program can be installed on a flash drive or any other external drive.
program includes demonstration of the database in multiple languages
(including Russian), which help you quickly learn to Personal Finances
ready examples.
Key features: • Unlimited number of accounts, such as credit cards, bank accounts, cash, electronic money, etc. • Unlimited number of currencies, the ability to add their own currencies. Download courses via the Internet. • Consideration of current and planned expenditures (income). • Entering duplicate data at the touch of a button. • Separation of transactions by category, tags and family members to create detailed reports. • Analysis of financial situation by reporting the outcomes and dynamics. • Organization of the transaction by day in the calendar. • Accounting for debt and credit. • Control costs through budget. • Import data from files, QIF, OFX, CSV and TXT. • Export QIF, CSV and text files • The ability to install an external USB drive. • Data protection with a password.